
We're working on it!

 So, people of the world, I have some news! I'm working on RS super hard, the final final edit's going through then I'll send it to my final grammar check editor, which is really nerve racking... I hope I can keep it together! Anyway, just to make this not as boring, I'd like to make a suggestion :)  So, who likes K-pop? Well, I do. Specifically EXO, if you've heard of that. It's a boy K-pop band, they're super good, a family favorite. Their best song is Monster (yeah, a lot of songs have that name, trust me, you'll love this version) Hope that works!  Have a positively lovely day!  -Miss Bug


 Heyo! How are ya? I've been working on all three of the Star books, mostly RS but I've been adding more to YS, which has been pretty fun. I've been getting my time more organized so I'm not so tired and I get a lot more done, I just can't wait to get my first book out!  All that aside, my overall progress has increased and I'm working hard to do that and balance school, I hope to have my book out by Christmas, but you never know, it could be out by tomorrow *shrugs* Anyway, I hope you all are well and I thank all of you who have encouraged me to keep going!  -Miss Bug

Yellow Star in progress!

Yellow Star is goin' great! I'm about 20-ish chapters in (that's not saying a lot, each chapter's a page worth) and it's really good so far (but that's just my opinion and I wrote it so...). The progress on RS is, well, I'm about half-way through and... yeah. It's both nerve-racking and exciting, I don't really know what to think, I'm also really stressed from personal stuff and family stuff, so I embrace any encouragement.  Anyway, I gotta get back to work so wish me luck!


 Yo, all! I'm half-way through editing RS and I hope to get it done soon, I'm at the hardest part and it'll probably take longer to edit 'cause a lot of it didn't make sense and I have to completely change it *groans*  No worries, though! I'll get it done soon enough and I hope y'all are patient with me, it's not an easy thing having to deal with daily life, do school, and write/edit ll at once (plus, I get distracted fast, which I just did, writing a new update 'cause editing's so hard!!) I was thinking of getting a new computer so my blog'll have to be swapped to something else, I'll tell you when it does, it'll be likely under a new name and completely different, but it'll still be me!  Hope y'all had a lovely day! -Miss Bug 

Orange Star

Orange Star draft #1 complete! I'm finished with the first draft of OS (Orange Star) and it looks pretty great. Personally, it looks better than RS (Red Star) ever will, not saying RS is bad, just different and a pain to clean up!  I'm now working on YS (Yellow Star) and it's looking pretty good, I hope it's better than OS than it would be extremely awesome (OS is the best one so far but that's not saying much 'cause I only have two...), anyway, thanks y'all for staying tuned! -Miss Bug


 Sorry last time was so vague! Hi, I'm an author of this all-new series called "Mila", my first book is called "Mila: Red Star" and it's getting really close to being done. Last update was me just getting overly excited but lets break it down, my book will likely come out in late June, if I'm lucky, and it might be printable or on this fancy new kindle thing where you use tokens to purchase more chapters, quite clever, if you ask me. I'm not sure when my beta readers will be completely done (Or when I will, in fact) but I'll keep you posted on my progress and I hope you'll be patient with me as it is summer time and that means, NO SCHOOL!!! Also that means, everyone goes on trips and stuffs their time with doing nothing whatsoever. That's how it's kinda gonna go. Anyway, I'll let you guys know whenever something happens. Love you!

So excited!

 Hello all! Today I worked a bit on my writing and it's almost done! My beta readers are working hard and they're almost done! So excited!!