
 Sorry last time was so vague! Hi, I'm an author of this all-new series called "Mila", my first book is called "Mila: Red Star" and it's getting really close to being done.

Last update was me just getting overly excited but lets break it down, my book will likely come out in late June, if I'm lucky, and it might be printable or on this fancy new kindle thing where you use tokens to purchase more chapters, quite clever, if you ask me.

I'm not sure when my beta readers will be completely done (Or when I will, in fact) but I'll keep you posted on my progress and I hope you'll be patient with me as it is summer time and that means, NO SCHOOL!!! Also that means, everyone goes on trips and stuffs their time with doing nothing whatsoever. That's how it's kinda gonna go.

Anyway, I'll let you guys know whenever something happens. Love you!


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